
原题:Bitcoin Near Turning Point as Bearish Signs Abound After Rally


作者:Vildana Hajric

时间:July 30, 2019 GMT+8 12:23

翻译:共享财经 NEO





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Bitcoin may be closer to a turning point as cryptocurrencies struggle with greater scrutiny and bearish signs pile up. 



Some technical indicators for the world’s largest digital coin have been pointing to further losses.



It has broken below its 50-day moving average support, which could signal the end of a recent uptrend that brought it close to $14,000 at the end of June.

比特币也低于GTI Vera Band指标的下限,该指标衡量上下趋势,


截至纽约下午12:16,比特币交易价格约为9,575美元。GTI Vera Band指标衡量上下趋势(青上红下),而比特币也低于该指标的下限。


译者注:GTIGlobal Trading Indicators的简称,更多信息请访问www.gtindicators.com


Bitcoin has also fallen under the lower limit of the GTI Vera Band indicator, which measures up and down trends, and is trading around $9,575 as of 12:16 p.m. in New York.

比特币“正站在一个关键的技术关头,” Miller Tabak + Co.的股票策略师Matt Maley在最近的一份报告中写道,一旦我们走出国会的夏季休会期并进入2020年选举周期,那么更严格的监管审查“将成为一个更加突出的问题(更为突出)。”


Bitcoin “stands at a key technical juncture,” Matt Maley, equity strategist at Miller Tabak + Co., wrote in a recent note. Greater regulatory scrutiny “will become an even more prominent issue (much more prominent) once we move past the summer recess for Congress and into the meat of the 2020 election cycle.”



A spate of negative developments have sent cryptocurrencies lower this month, including fallout from Facebook Inc.’s plans to launch its own stablecoin called Libra.


立法者通过引用信任和隐私问题等在本月早些时候接连的国会证词中抨击了Facebook公司区块链团队的领导者David Marcus。社交媒体巨头的加密货币发布时间不合时宜:美国司法部正计划对一些变得过于庞大和强大的大型科技平台进行监管审查。


Lawmakers lambasted David Marcus, who leads the company’s blockchain team, during back-to-back Congressional testimonies earlier this month, citing trust and privacy issues, among other things. The social media giant’s crypto launch comes at an inopportune time: the U.S. Justice Department announced plans to scrutinize big tech platforms following criticism that some companies have become too big and too powerful.

 “这是一个新产品。它与大多数新产品大不相同,“TD Ameritrade首席市场策略师JJ Kinahan表示。 “包括监管机构在内的每个人都在试图找出最好的办法来保护人们,保留一些可行的东西,但不要让它野蛮生长。”


“It’s a new product. It’s much different from most new products,” said JJ Kinahan, the chief market strategist at TD Ameritrade. “Everybody, including regulators, are trying to figure out the best way to roll this out to protect people, keep it something that’s viable but keep it from being the Wild West.”

上周,美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)警告了超过10,000名加密货币持有人,他们可能会因为投资征税而受到处罚。本月比特币下跌约20%。同类加密货币也有所回落—同期LitecoinLTC)下跌超过25%,而EthereumETH)则下跌接近32%。


And last week, the Internal Revenue Service warned more than 10,000 cryptocurrency holders that they may be subject to penalties for skirting taxes on their investments. Bitcoin has fallen about 20% this month. Peer coins have also retreated — Litecoin has dropped more than 25% in the same period, while Ether is down close to 32%.


A Senate banking committee will hold a hearing Tuesday titled “Examining Regulatory Frameworks for Digital Currencies and Blockchain.”



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